The ITAM Academy gives you the very best ITAM content at a very affordable price!
April 12th 2021. The day the ITAM Academy finally launched! It has been a labour of love for over 9 months now as we have been building on our initial idea, building the content and also making the platform look as best we could. It’s not bad for three people who are ITAM Geeks and have no real eye for marketing or what looks pretty!

The ITAM Academy has been born out of a passion for making ITAM education accessible to everyone – without the need of a large learning budget or worry that the costs won’t be signed off by your boss. We have created our courses to ensure they are commercially appealing, but this doesn’t mean the course content has suffered in any way. Oh no, the content is just as thorough and as prepared and is based on all of our combined 60+ years experience in the ITAM world.
“BrainBites” are our Unique Selling Point (USP). BrainBites are small “chunks” of courses that do not require you to sit down for hours upon hours watching videos of PowerPoint presentations. Instead, we have manageable chunks that allow you to complete a BrainBite over the course of a lunchtime for example. So, instead of aimlessly scrolling through the likes of YouTube, Twitter, TikTok or even LinkedIn, you can actually use your lunchtime to learn about Hardware Asset Management, ITAM Technologies or a software vendor like Red Hat, Micro Focus, Autodesk, Adobe etc.
BrainBites allow you to complete our informative courses over a shorter period of time, such as a lunchbreak or spare 30 minutes!
We are starting off with over 41 BrainBites and bundles covering Hardware Asset Management, Snow License Manager and Red Hat. But we’re not stopping there! Oh no! We’ve got a roadmap for the next 12 months or so that includes new BrainBites and courses for:
- Adobe Licensing & Optimisation techniques
- Micro Focus Licensing & Optimisation techniques
- VMware Licensing & Optimisation
- Dell EMC Licensing & Optimisation
- Autodesk & other CAD vendors BrainBites & Bundles
- ITAM Technology Optimisation
- Mobile Device Management
- Cloud Asset Management
- Additional “How To” BrainBites for ITAM Technologies
- Audit / External SAM Engagement Defence
So, we already have a lot of content on the site, and with loads more to come, why not sign up to the ITAM Academy today (like the 100+ ITAM Professionals that already have…) and have a look around at what we currently have on offer? You can sign up (free of charge) here.
Feedback is always most welcome, so if you have any comments on any of our courses then please, feel free to contact us! Likewise, if there are any courses you’d like us to create, we are also excited to hear about your thoughts on what content is missing from ITAM Academy.
With that said, we can’t wait to see you over at the ITAM Academy, and hope you learn something from our courses! See you over there!
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